Friday, December 3, 2010

First Experience

To tell the truth, I didn't like art at all when I was small.....I didn't even like art class....Ironic is, I like to doodle at the side of the exercise book whenever teacher teach in front. When this one girl older than me (a lot) and I called her Sister Judy (not real name) introduce me to Sailormoon, my eye open to one kind of art, manga style. At first, I thought there is a software to make own manga, but back in 1996, there is no such thing as shortcut software. So to make own manga, I started to make fan stories of Sailormoon, starring me alongside Tsukino Usagi (how embarrassing) but this kind of weird habit comes to passion when later, I try to learn more about manga and anime. In school, there are so hard to find someone who had the same interest as me about manga and anime along my girl friends. At that time, I'm shy to talk about anime or manga to boys. Usually they will talk about boys, and boys will talk about girls.....

But as I grew, I learn there are some girl who share same passion as me, or quarter a bit. Even my cousin like Sailormoon, which we share the same interest.

That is my first experience in art.

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